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Training Sessions

There is something for everyone here at UBACCC. Whether you just want to to have a jog and a chat or have your sights on placing at BUCS, feel free to come along and see what UBACCC is about. Displayed here are our regular training sessions. Make sure to visit our Facebook page just to check things are running as normal, though.


Docks Run – 18:00 outside Tyndall Avenue Gym


Ready to start the week? Welcome to legendary Docks Run. The most popular run the club leads starts at the sports centre in the middle of Uni, follows the scenic docks along the River Avon for 5km, and ends up by Clifton Hill House.

We split this one into three groups: slower, middle paced and fast, with a leader for each.  This is a great social run, so just turn up and get stuck in, the groups all run together so you’ll quickly get to know some faces! A great way to get to know more of Bristol city centre, too.


XC Intervals – 18:10 outside Tyndall Avenue Gym


Whatever discipline of runner you are, interval and speed work sessions can dramatically increase your stamina, strength and your general fitness. Our Endurance Lead, Ben Westhenry, leads the sessions, which vary from week to week, and focus on different types of fitness. These intervals are longer than the ones at the track, and more suited to middle/long distance runners. Whilst these session can be more intense don't be intimidated, many of our top runners have never run before Uni, and it’s amazing how quickly you improve. 


Tuesday Track - 17:20 at Clifton Down Station for an 18:00 start at Whitehall Athletics Track


Tuesday is the year-round speed endurance day. The group will often split, with 100m/ 200m runners probably doing a slightly different session to 400m runners. Sessions typically involve several sets of runs anywhere from 100m to 600m in distance (depending on the time of year). These sessions can be very tiring, but are the kind you feel great about afterwards!


Circuits – 08:00 at Tyndall Avenue Gym, Main Hall


Your whole body is working hard to keep you moving forward, and whilst your legs get most of the hammering, your arms and especially your core muscle group are providing support and strain. These bright and early sessions focus on your full body fitness. Reps of specific exercises for muscles you didn’t know you even had are in store, each designed to keep your heart rate up and train your resilience. 


Wednesday Run - 15:00 outside Tyndall Avenue Gym


The second social run of the week is a steady, even paced run usually around the Downs, Ashton Court or Leigh Woods, getting both some good off-road trails and a few solid hills to keep you on your toes. No rush, just practice your endurance for longer sessions or races, and enjoy being out in the best looking bits of Bristol. Another popular event. Some people will be doing shorter runs than others, so don't feel overwhelmed!


Track, Throws and Jumps Session – 17:20 at Clifton Down Station for an 18:00 start at Whitehall Athletics Track 


Rather use your arms than your legs? Want to feel like you are at the beach even in January? Then come along on Thursdays. Thursday's track session runs alongside our jumps and throws session so whether you have experience or not, come along and give it a try. 


XC Intervals – 10:30 at the Water Tower on the Downs


The second interval session of the week sees us head to the Downs. Usually, this takes the form of a fartlek or laps around the BMC loop to get that endurance level up and prepare you for the cross-country races to come. 


Saturday Track - 09:20 at Clifton Down Station for a 10:00 start at Whitehall Athletics Track


What better way to spend your Saturday morning than at the track? Join us for a morning of sprints, led by Hannah and Seren, our Sprints Captain and Sprints Performance Rep. If you have academic commitments during the week, then this is one to put the lightning in your legs.


Long Run – 10:00 at the Water Tower on the Downs


Come all ye faithful to the Church of the Holy Long Run. Starting at the Water Tower, we go on a different route each week to Blaise Castle, Leigh Woods, Ashton Court or further afield. It is easy and social, much like the Wednesday Run. As if running with your mates through the prettiest parts of Bristol were not good enough, we finish by going for brunch afterwards!

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